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Design of the SPIROMICS study of early COPD progression: SOURCE study

SOURCE Study design graphic. Full text of graphic is published on this page with link to PDF

We don't know why some tobacco-exposed people have early-stage COPD. 

If we knew, treatments might improve.

SOURCE: SPIROMICS Study of Early COPD Progression

The early stages of COPD are easy to overlook. People may not have symptoms for years after COPD begins. 

SOURCE’s goal is to identify factors in the body that may provide clues to understand early-stage COPD. 

This may help us understand how and why COPD happens. 

Participants give us information about themselves, have tests done, and measurements taken during: 

  • 2 clinic visits, 3 years apart
  • Phone calls every 6 months for five years

Some people ages 30-55 who have a history of smoking develop COPD later in life. SOURCE will compare this group of people to those who do not develop COPD. 

Read about how SOURCE is designed.

Curtis JL, Bateman LA, Murray S, et al. Design of the SPIROMICS study of early COPD progression: SOURCE study. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. 2024; Published online August 15, 2024.

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